Booklet International Conference Science, Technology and Innovation - 2024

Area IV Humanities and Behavioral Sciences

Tourism education of the future: Viability and relevance of a blended learning modality Agraz-López, María Celina, Ramírez-Jiménez, Armando, Zepeda-Martínez, Gabriel and López-Murillo, Jorge Hammurabi

Intimate partner violence among LGBT+ college students Galdámez-Vázquez, Selene and Hernández-Gordillo, José Luis

Social Responsibility: A Commitment of Higher Education Institutions Palomares-Ruiz, María Blanca Elizabeth, Torres-Bugdud, Arturo, Treviño-Cubero, Arnulfo and Báez-Villarreal, Esteban

Resilient family constructs and beliefs in the face of the diagnosis of two members with disabilities Rábago, Marcela, Pérez-Ruíz, Salvador and Márquez, Lia

Behavioral addictions in different addictive disorders and their influence on Higher Education Ortiz-Sánchez, Pedro Alfonso Guadal, Sánchez-Iturbe, Patricia Guadalupe, Ortiz-Y Ojeda, Pedro Tomás and Clemente-Camacho, ElferIsaías

Pre-Post Interventionevaluationof training in knowledgeand practicesin psychologicalfirstaidforteachersUniversitytutors Pérez-Pimienta, Diana, Ruiz-Bernes, Salvador, Espinoza-Romo, Alejandra Viridiana and Arguero-Fonseca, Aimee

Educational Innovation: An approach to the Japanese Kaizen Method in students Carrillo-Beltrán, Julio César Cuauhtémoc, Ramírez-Jiménez, Armando, Llanos-Ramírez, María del Carmen and Bogarin-Correa, María Romelia

Student Perceptions of the 2030 Agenda and its Impact on Higher Education Carrillo-Beltrán, Julio César Cuauhtémoc, Llanos-Ramírez, María del Carmen, Ramírez-Jiménez, Armando and Bogarin-Correa, María Romelia

Good practices of social responsibility for the promotion of sustainable development objectives from the university: Case study Rojo-Carlón, José María, Rivera-Iribarren, Mariceland Valencia-Romero, Alexia Zoe

Student Perceptions of Post-Pandemic Blended Mode COVID 19 Flores-González, Norma and Flores-González, Efigenia

Renovation of urban spaces, towards a sustainable habitat. BUAP Residential Case, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico Alonso-Pérez, Carlos

Exploration of teachers' perceptions in tourism programs: A quantitative study with a temporal focus Cota-Luévano, JesúsAlberto andOchoa-Alcántar, José Manuel

Detection of training needs of university teachers in the area of economics and administration: A study at the Autonomous University of Nayarit Gómez-Campos, SinahiGabriela, Felix-Perez, SiriguiGaribeth, Granados-Magaña, Javier Alejandro and Maldonado-Bernal, Mónica del Rocio

Promoting Gender Equity in Physics with Water Rockets BARRÓN-BALDERAS, Juan José

Area V Social Sciences

Social Innovation Zapata-Aguilar, José Apolinar UniversidadTecnológicaMetropolitanaQ

Statistical representation of university management as a means for sustainable development in connection with the productive sector Hernández-Peralta, Alejandro De Jesús, Antonio-Vidaña, Paula Rosalinda, Alcudia-Chagala, Lorena and Rojas-Patiño, Nancy

Strategic optimization: redesign of internal processes in international bulk Companies Benítez-López, Guillermo

Partial Administrative Audit of a bus company dedicated to the foreign transport of passengers with a Branch in the State of Veracruz Balderrabano-Briones, Jazmín, Solorzano-Rios, María Judith, Utrera-Velez, Youssefand Rodriguez-Agustin, Griselda

Analysis of the effectiveness of the competencies of the graduates of the Polytechnic University of Zacatecas Lara-Torres, Claudia Guadalupe, Velázquez-Macias, Jesús, González-Hernández, José Roberto and Guirette-Barbosa, Omar Alejandro

Transforming Learning: Exploring the Frontiers of Educational Innovation in the 21st Century Ruíz-Valdés, Susana, Ruíz-Tapia, Juan Alberto and Cruz-Solís, Ivette del Rosario

Innovation, culture and handicrafts, a trinomial for the development of artisan enterprises in San AntoninoCastillo Velasco, Oaxaca Pablo-Calderón, Karla de los ángeles, Castillo-Leal, Maricela, Cruz-Cabrera, BlasaCelerinaand Cruz-Garcia, Leobardo Daniel

Bibliometricanalysis for the identification of innovation factors as a methodology for SME growth Muñoz-Palacios, Luz del Carmen, Antonio-Vidaña, Paula Rosalinda, Crudet-Balderas, Juan Carlos and Aguilar-Herrera, Doris

Reading strategies and their relation to reading comprehension. Proposal from primary education Hernández-Gutiérrez, Francisco Javier, Mauricio-Rodríguez, Estrella Jatziri, Lizarde-Flores, Eugenio and Reyes-Camacho, Ana María

Influence of virtual platforms in the development of English language skills. Case of a Peruvian public University Niño-Naú, Condori Delia and Vargas, Sergio

The shortage of medicines as a violation of the human right to health Martínez-Lares, Marco Antonio

Analysis of learning strategies for subjects of the Generic structure of the Industrial Engineering degree, in a higher Education Institution in Villahermosa, Tabasco Morejón-Sànchez, Juana Marìa, Javier-Geronimo, Zinath, Sierra-Morejòn, José Luis and Abid-Becerra, Marco Antonio

Distributed educational leadership and collaborative intelligence to drive continuous improvement in Mexico's public universities Granados-Magaña, Javier Alejandro, Felix-Perez, SiriguiGaribeth, Gomez-Campos, SinahiGabriela and Barbosa-Gutierrez, Iris Chantal

Expolmagina: A triple helix framework for linking public universities towards social innovation Carbajal-Mariscal, Oscar and Hernández-Tinoco, Araceli

The Instructor’s Role in Designing the Methodological Strategy for Research in Music Juan-Carvajal, DargenTania, Juan-Carvajal, Mara Lioba, Rodríguez-Juan, Ariénand Vdovina, María

The use of cell phones in the development of business activities in rural youths Bacab-Sanchez, José Rubén, Santos-Valencia, Raúl Alberto, Pereyra-Chan, Andrés Miguel and Ulibarri-Benitez, HermilaAndrea

The lack of terminal efficiency of the students of the 2018-2022 generation of the Faculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Campeche Turriza-Mena, RoseliaLorena, Canul-Turriza, RomanAlejandro, Cach-Coba, Brenda Madelinand Queb-Cosgaya, HèctorManuel

Gender evaluation of teaching work during pandemic confinement. The case of a higher Education Institution in Southeastern Mexico Santos-Valencia, Raúl Alberto, Bacab-Sanchez, José Rubén, Sanchez-Monroy, Miriam Hildegareand Pérez-Rodríguez, Blanca Yamily

Identification of violence in the social project for dairy producers in the Municipality of Reyes EtlaOaxaca, Mexico Martínez-Martínez, Celeste, Castillo-Leal, Maricela, Venegas-Nava, Soledad and Ríos-Castillo, Maricela

Design of a tool to integrate dental treatment costs. Station dental clinic case Ávila-Morales, Fernando Javier Maximiliano, Guillermo-Chuc, Giselle, Quijano-García, Román and Patron-Cortes, Roger Manuel

Innovation applied to embroidery textile handicrafts of the “Magic Route of Oaxaca's handicrafts” Castillo-Leal, Maricela, Ríos-Y Vázquez, Othón Cesareo, Acevedo-Martinez, Jorge Antonio Silvestre and Cruz-Garcia, Leobardo Daniel

Analysis of Urban Tourism in Chetumal, Quintana Roo Nandi-Aguillón, Nallely, Meneses-Domingo, José Manuel and Lara-Vera, María Guadalupe

Characterization of the Acceptance of Violence in University Students of a Public Institution in Western Mexico Reynoso-Luna, María Gabriela, Morales-Martínez, Mario Alberto, Valdez-Estrada, Sara and Vera-Camacho, Areli

Know-how as a strategic management element in an IT solutions company Varela-Couoh, Andrea, Quijano-García, Román, Guillermo-Chuc, Giselle and Alcocer-Martínez, Fidel

Analysis of the Consumer of Second Hand Clothing: Case of Financial Engineering Students of the Polytechnic University of Francisco I. Madero Cruz-Sánchez, Eduardo, Trejo-Encarnación, Patricia, Hernández-Gómez, Diana and Moctezuma-Navia, Dalia Alejandra

Impact of the reforms to the Federal Labor Federal Labor Law on academic workers in public universities in Mexico Guzmán-Cabrera, Rafael, Maravert-Alba, Myrna Iseldaand Ortiz-Gil, Miguel Ángel

Pathway at (re)discusseintergovernmental fiscal agreements in the argentine republic Rezzoagli, Luciano Carlos and Bazza, Alcides

Marketing strategies of msmesin the Mexico City and metropolitan area during and after the pandemic pandemic. Mexico and metropolitan area during and after the pandemic Álvarez-García, Mónica, Gutiérrez-Zepeda, Martha del Pilar, Guerrero-Ibarra, Carlos and Waldo-Caamaño, José David

Games and playful experiences for managing emotions: experience in the universityclassroom Nieves, Mayra A. andMuñoz, Beatriz E.

Transfer pricing compliance, importance of standardization of digital deliverables Aguilar-Pérez, Esmeralda, Irigoyen-Arroyo, Luis Ernesto and Soto-Rivas, Soledad

Importance of internal control to comply with the regulations of the federal law for the prevention and identification of operations with illicit proceeds (LFPIORPI). Aguilar-Pérez, Bacilisa, Romero-Cruz, Rodolfo, Aguilar-Pérez, Silvia Madaiand Aguilar-Pérez, Nohemi

Perception of key competencies for lifelong learning and employability of university students and graduates in Colombia and Mexico Prado, Isela, Díaz, Esperanza and Peña, Lourdes

Linking individual emotional abilities and precepts of educational innovation Hernández-Cueto, JaquelinaLizet, Flores-González, VeliaMaría, López-Covarrubias, Jacqueline and Ortiz-Muza, Rosa Elizabeth

Analysis of determinants and impacts associated with the use of social networks in SMES: A literature review Leal-Durán, JhesicaFaxuri, Cadena-López, Aydéand Rivera-González, Gibrán

Negotiation as an Alternative Conflict Resolution in Mexican Cooperatives Domínguez-Sánchez, Lorena andRamírez-Herrera, Dania

The digital era, without using computers Jiménez-García, Martha, Gómez-Miranda, Pilar, Rico-Ramírez, Diana Laura and Zarco-Cárdenas, César Alejandro

Proposal of a sustainability model for integral medical centers in the south of the state of Tamaulipas Pérez-Pérez, Iris Cristel, Aguirre-Arias, Miriam and González-Gamez, Liliana

Influence of training on productivity. A study in service microenterprises Sarmiento-Paredes, Susana, Carro-Suárez, Jorge, Nava, Doroteo and Larios-Gómez, Emigdio

Perception of dating violence in adolescents through the identification of “Red flags” and “Green flags” in a community intervention Espinosa, Irene, Meza, Berenice, Rojas, Cecilia and Parra, Lizette

Digital marketing in service organizations in the region of San Martin TexmelucanPuebla Irigoyen-Arroyo, Luis Ernesto, Soto-Rivas, Soledad, and Hernández-Hernández, María Elena

Didactic and simulation tools to evaluate financial scenarios for SMES Hernández-Hernández, María Elena, Aguilar-Pérez, Esmeralda and Irigoyen-Arroyo, Luis Ernesto

The difficult reconciliation of motherhood and academic training for mothers who are students in the Public Accounting program at ITSSMT Soto, Soledad, Hernández, MariaElena and Aguilar, Esmeralda

Ecotourism proposal for the Las Ventanasproperty of the Mineral del Chico National Park in Hidalgo, Mexico Omaña-Silvestre, José Miguel andQuintero-Ramirez, Juan Manuel

Strawberry (FragariaL.) Transportation Model in Mexico for Closed Market Quintero-Ramirez, Juan Manuel, Omaña-Silvestre, José Miguel and García-Rico, Perla Araceli

Modeling the closed market distribution of banana (Musa ×paradisiaca) in Mexico Omaña-Silvestre, José Miguel, Quintero-Ramirez, Juan Manuel and Velasco-González, MariaAudiz

State of the art on the importance of research and knowledge dissemination in scientific journals González, Isidro