Booklet International Conference Science, Technology and Innovation

Area IV Humanities and Behavioral Sciences

The perception of students of the Autonomus University of Nayarit regarding sustainable development in organizations CARRILLO-BELTRÁN, Julio César Cuauhtémoc, SUÁREZ-FLORES, Marina, GONZÁLEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Maricruz and AGUIRRE-BRAVO, Anna Alessandra

Alcohol Consumption in Nursing Students of a Private Institution TOTOMOL-YOVAL, Blanca Estela, CRUZ-CORDOBA, Estibaliz, FLORES-PEREZ, Carlos and RODRIGUEZ-PUENTE, Linda Azucena

The well-being of teachers favored by emotions, integral human development and the organizational climate MIRANDA-ROBLES, Tomasa and SANDOVAL-SANTOYO, José Guadalupe

Knowledge of professional ethics in students of the accounting career of an HEI BARBOSA-GUTIERREZ, Iris Chantal, GÓMEZ-CAMPOS, Sinahí Gabriela, GRANADOS-MAGAÑA, Javier Alejandro and FELIX-PÉREZ, Sirigui Garibeth

Relevance of a community care program fromthe perspective of its stakeholders: educational practices based on social responsibility BALNEGRO-OCHOA, Ixchel Gabriela, RIVERA-CORONEL, Diego Reynaldo, RIVERA-IRIBARREN, Maricel and CALDERÓN-SOTO, Lorena

Parental homework support and technostress in the family context OCHOA-ALCÁNTAR, José Manuel, VILLARREAL-LÓPEZ, Mayra Sugey and RIVERA-IRIBARREN, Maricel

Organizational climate and its effects on job satisfaction: A case study COLLADO-RODRÍGUEZ, Neiro, PLATAS-DOMÍNGUEZ, Cristel Del Carmen, DÍAZ-LÓPEZ, Otilio and HERNÁNDEZ-TRIANO, Leonardo

Learning Climate in University Students of the Northern Academic Unit of the State of Nayari CHÁVEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Gabriela, CHAVEZ- SÁNCHEZ, Haydeé del Carmen, PARRA-GARCÍA, Rosa Ruth and HERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, Juvencio

The digital marketing: The technological response to Nayarit's tourism challenges RAMÍREZ-JIMÉNEZ, Armando, CARRILLO-BELTRÁN, Julio César Cuauhtémoc, ENCISO-ARÁMBULA, Rosalva and MEJÍA-SALAZAR, Gilberto

Student Perspectives Inspiring Change: The Vital Role of Surveys DIAZ-RINCON, Hilda, NAVARRETE-PRIETO, José Antonio, FLORES-MERCADO, Jesús Cayetano and MORA-CORDOVA, Adolfo

Commitment and quality of teaching, source of training for professional teaching service SALINAS-AGUIRRE, María del Consuelo, HERNÁNDEZ-CUETO, Jaquelina Lizet, CHARLES MEZA Ángel Gerardo and SÁNCHEZ CASTILLO, Diana Karina

Area V Social Sciences

The importance of tutorial action in the improvement of educational quality with a human perspective at the Universidad Autónoma de Queretaro (UAQ) SALVADOR-LEDESMA, Martha, PÉREZ-BRAVO, Julia and CAMACHO-MOTA, Sandra Adriana

Proposal of an integral model for measuring productivity in a convenience store in Villahermosa, Tabasco GARCÍA-JERÓNIMO, Beatriz, NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Roger, GARCÍA-REYES, David Antonio and NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel

Proposal to improve the process of administration of projects financed by CONAHCYT by the Treasuries of the Universities of Campeche TURRIZA-MENA, Roselia Lorena, CANUL-TURRIZA, Román Alejandro, CRUZ Y CRUZ, Andrea del Rosario and BARRERA-LAO, Francisco Javier

State of the Art: “Social and Solidarity Economy as a Driver of Sustainability" GÓMEZ-LÓPEZ, Daniela S., VALADEZ-SOLANA, Brenda D. CRUZ-DOMÍNGUEZ, Enrique and CRUZ-CABRERA, Blasa C.

Urban Renewal to Touristification: Oaxaca de Juárez's Historic Downtown CORTES-MATIAS, Fanny Antonia S. and RIVERA-LÓPEZ, Faustino Benjamín

Analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hotel occupancy in the main tourist destinations in Mexico RIVERA-LOPEZ, Faustino Benjamin, TORREZ-VALDEZ, Julio César, GÓMEZ-DÍAZ, Javier and MENDEZ-PRADA, Martha Cecilia

Strategic Analysis of the Development Hubs for the Well-being of the Transisthmian Project in Oaxaca CASTILLO-LEAL, Maricela, RÍOS-CASTILLO, Maricela and PÉREZ-LARRAÑAGA, Héctor

Strategy to promote the Social and Solidarity Economy in informal microenterprises in Oaxaca: The case of mezcal producers from Santiago Matatlán, Oaxaca. (2020-2023) RÍOS Y VÁZQUEZ, Othón Cesáreo and FIGUEROA-HERNÁNDEZ, Luis Enrique

Novice Teachers’ Perceptions of e-teaching modality FLORES-GONZÁLEZ, Norma, FLORES-GONZÁLEZ, Efigenia, ZAMORA-HERNÁNDEZ, Mónica, and CASTELÁN-FLORES, Vianey

Benefit-cost analysis of the optimum level of giberellic acid as an inductor of the germination of chiltepín chili (capsicuum annuum. Var avicular) cultivated in backyard RODRÍGUEZ-LÓPEZ. Karen Alexa, ORTEGA-MONTES, Fabiola Iveth, RUBIO-ARIAS, Héctor Osbaldo and MACÍAS-LÓPEZ, María Guadalupe

Distributed educational leadership and collaborative intelligence to drive continuous improvement in Mexico's public universities Granados-Magaña, Javier Alejandro, Felix-Perez, SiriguiGaribeth, Gomez-Campos, SinahiGabriela and Barbosa-Gutierrez, Iris Chantal

Productivity of management skills in educational institution, in Villahermosa Tabasco SIERRA-MOREJÓN, José Luis, ABID-BECERRA, Marco Antonio, JAVIER-GERONIMO, Zinath and GARCIA-JERÓNIMO, Irma

Organizational diagnosis of an Industrial outsourcing company located in the State of Veracruz, Mexico BALDERRABANO-BRIONES, Jazmín, RODRÍGUEZ-AGUSTÍN, Griselda, UTRERA-VELEZ, Youssef, ACOSTA-CADENAS, Montserrat and AMARO-MELGAREJO, Danah Joselin

Digital tools that MSMEs need to survive any crisis PÉREZ-CASTILLO, América Nohemi, JIMÉNEZ-GARCÍA, Martha and MERINO-ROMERO, Adriana

Quality of life of institutionalized older adults. Quasi-experimental study in a residential center in Tlaltenango, Mexico MORALES-MARTÍNEZ, Mario Alberto, REYNOSO-LUNA, María Gabriela and GONZÁLEZ-SANDOVAL, Daniela

Psychological Impact of Feminicide CASTILLO-QUIÑONES, Adriana Guadalupe, CEJAS-LEYVA, Luz María, FERNANDEZ-MOJICA, Leticia and LAZCANO-FRANCO, Maura Antonia

Recommendation of CFDI-affected accounts based on machine learning MONTECILLO-PUENTE, Francisco Javier, PERÉZ-MONCADA, Santiago and VÁZQUEZ-CHÁVEZ, Luis Alejandro

Gender Wage Gap in the Formal and Informal Sector in the COVID-19 Crisis Period, of the National Labor Market and the State of Coahuila ZAMARRÓN-OTZUCA, Nathalia, DE LA GARZA-CIENFUEGOS, Sandra and AGUILAR-SANCHEZ, Ana María

Financial education among university students ZAPATA-AGUILAR, José Apolinar

Strategic planning for a food preparation company MAR-OROZCO, Carlos Eusebio, BARBOSA-MORENO, Alfonso, BARBOSA-MORENO, Gabriela and OROZCO-CUERVO, Ulises de Jesús

Agro-ecotourism and socio-cultural animation as an alternative for tourism development in the town of El Refugio in the municipality of Ruiz, Nayarit ALTAMIRANO-ROLDÁN, Glafira Eugenia, QUESADA-RUÍZ, Alejandra, GARCÍA-GONZÁLEZ, Frasim and MARTÍNEZ-FLORES, Eldy

Covid 19 in the restaurant sector of San Juan Del Rio, Qro., effects and prospects PEREZ-BRAVO, Julia, SALVADOR-LEDESMA, Martha and DIAZ-NIETO, Elia Socorro

Framework for addressing the challenges of digitalization in organizations PÉREZ-JIMÉNEZ, Carlos and ALONSO-CALPEÑO, Mariela Juana

NOM-037-STPS-2023 as a mixed work alternative for HEIs (Case of the Academic Unit of Accounting and Administration of the Autonomous University of Nayarit) NAVARRETE-MÉNDEZ, Adrián, GUZMÁN-PÉREZ, Mónica, NAVARRETE-ANDRADE, Héctor and CARRILLO-BELTRÁN, Julio César Cuauhtémoc

Strategy for the development of the commercialization of handicrafts in the town of Santa Cruz Pueblo, Calkini BACAB-SANCHEZ, José Rubén, AVILA-ORTEGA, Jorge Iván, CASTELLANOS-HERRERA, Annie Vigelmi and SANTOS-VALENCIA, Raúl Alberto

Development of management skills for MSMEs, as support for their permanence and regional growth HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, María Elena, SOTO-RIVAS, Soledad, IRIGOYEN-ARROYO, Luis Ernesto and AGUILAR-PÉREZ, Esmeralda

Analysis of the tax provisions and development of a proposal for a solution to the tax discrepancy according to the LISR of SMEs AGUILAR-PÉREZ, Esmeralda, HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Maria Elena, SOTO-RIVAS, Soledad and IRIGOYEN-ARROYO, Luis Ernesto