Labor and Demographic Economics

Volume 4 Issue 7

Psychometric properties of a quality of life instrument GALVAN-CORRAL, Alberto, MURILLO-FÉLIX, Cecilia Aurora, ACOSTA-MELLADO, Erika Ivett and QUIROZ-CAMPAS, Celia Yaneth

Socially responsible practices and workplace harassment, in a municipality as a political administrative organism PÉREZ-BRAVO, Julia

Instruments to identify psychosocial risk factors at work: a systematic review SUÁREZ-REYES, Susana, AGUILAR-MORALES, Norma and MAGAÑA-MEDINA, Deneb Elí

Platform for the information network of the economic reactivation program of the TecNM campus San Martín Texmelucan MORALES-ZAMORA, Vianney, PAREDES-XOCHIHUA, María Petra, LÓPEZ-MUÑOZ, Jesús and PADILLA-LEÓN, Jonathan