Agrarian and natural resource economics

Volume 2 Issue 2

Economic-environmental comparison of an alternative refrigeration system with respect to a conventional refrigeration system applied to the transport of perishables VALLE-HERNANDEZ, Julio, NIETO-PEÑA, Alejandra, MORALES-ORTEGA, Edgar Enrique and ROMAN-AGUILAR, Raul

Generation of market information of the Mexican Solar Industry under a model of strategic analysis and innovation RODRIGUEZ-CARVAJAL, Ricardo Alberto, ISIORDIA-LACHICA, Paula Concepción, TADDEI-BRINGAS, Jorge Luis and ROMERO-HIDALGO, Jorge Alberto

Economical Feasibility study of a wind system interconnected to the grid for the self-supply at the Universidad del Istmo ESCOBAR-TALIN, Carlitos, DORREGO-PORTELA, José Rafael, IRACHETA-CORTEZ, Reynaldo and HERNÁNDEZ-GALVEZ, Geovanni

Implementation of the economic dispath to optimize the location of the wind parks LÓPEZ-GARZA, Esmeralda, DOMÍNGUEZ-CRUZ, René Fernando, LARA-ALABAZARES, David and ROMERO-GALVÁN, Gerardo