Agrarian and natural resource economics

Volume 6 Issue 11

Estimation of the impact (cost-benefit) of bean production in the South Pacific, Mexico VÁZQUEZ-ELORZA, Ariel, GARCÍA-MORALES, Soledad and HERRERA-GARCÍA, Adolfo Federico

Economic evaluation of solar drying process for washed coffee in mixteca region of Oaxaca state, México GARCÍA-MAYORAL, Luis Eduardo, QUINTANAR-OLGUIN, Juan and MARTINEZ-RUIZ, Antonio

Study of the physicochemical characteristics and viscosity profile of Cucúrbita pepo L. MOJICA-MESINAS, Cuitláhuac†, ACOSTA-PINTOR, Dulce Carolina, VIDAL-BECERRA, Eleazar* and LORENZO-MÁRQUEZ, Habacuc

HV-570, New maize (Zea mays L.) varietal prospect hybrid for the humid tropic of México SIERRA-MACIAS, Mauro, RÍOS-ISIDRO Clara, GÓMEZ-MONTIEL, Noel Orlando and ESPINOSA-CALDERÓN, Alejandro