Agrarian and natural resource economics

Volume 1 Issue 1

Evaluation of four commercial products that promote growth in strawberry farming in macrotunnel MARTÍNEZ-SCOTT, Marcia Maribel, MARTÍNEZ-CALDERÓN, Cecilia y ZÚÑIGA-MALDONA, Walter Manuel

Predation of agrillo seed (Rhus trilobata) in the highlands region of Jalisco QUINTANA-CAMARGO, Martín, CRUZ-GUTIERREZ, Esmeralda Judith, HERNÁNDEZ-VALENZUELA, Sergio Nizael y AVENDAÑO-LÓPEZ, Adriana Natividad

Perspectives of the competitive environment to the coffee sector. Case studies of the value chain in Chiapas, Oaxaca y Guerrero LARA-MORALES, Eliana, SÁNCHEZ-OSORIO, Ever, HERNÁNDEZ-AGUILERA, Elisa y CONTRERAS-MEDINA, David Israel

Problems of commercialization of agricultural products in the municipality of Angostura, Sinaloa AYAS-BARRERAS, Imeda y FUENTES-URIARTE, Juan Jaime