Volume 2 Issue 3
Innovation in the MSEs of municipality of Puebla HERRERA-SÁNCHEZ, Gustavo, MORÁN-BRAVO, Luz del Carmen, GALLARDO-NAVARRO, José Luis and DE SAMPEDRO-POBLANO, Héctor
Implementation of procedures of internal control per the COSO model in the MyPYMES of the Municipality of Huejutla, Hgo. TERÁN-CASTELÁN, Héctor, MIRANDA-SERNA, Carlos, MENDOZA-ALVARADO, Víctor and HERRERO-VÁZQUEZ, Laura
Public polices for the strengthening, Mipyme, Puebla-Tlaxcala Region SALGADO-GARCÍA, Lorenzo & ORTEGA-PÉREZ, Elizabeth
Public policies for sustainable development. A critical review of background, concepts and perspectives VÁZQUEZ-GUZMÁN, Olga, CARRILLO-HUERTA, Mario and FLORES-GONZÁLEZ, Sergio