Industrial Organization

Volume 7 Issue 12

Strategy for staff rotation in a Department Store from the perspective of organizational psychology MÁRQUEZ-AMARO, Raymundo, DE LOS SANTOS-DE DIOS, Raquel Olivia, SÁNCHEZ-TRINIDAD, Rosa del Carmen and NAHUATT-VALENZUELA, María Isabel

Marketing plan: radio station in Villahermosa Tabasco HUERTA-RAMÍREZ, Alex Iván, MOREJÓN-SÁNCHEZ, Juana María, LOPEZ-VALDIVIESO, Leticia and ROSADO-LUNA, Juan Luis
Tecnológico Nacional de México - Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa

Design and development of preventive, corrective and predictive maintenance manager softwareCORDOVA-LOPEZ, José Miguel†*, MIGUEL-MARTINEZ, Janet, HERRERA-AGUILAR, Miguel Ángel and RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, Diana Laura
Universidad Tecnológica de Oriental, México

Assessment of quality defects in a production area of an SMEPORTILLO-CASTILLO, Víctor Manuel†, MENDOZA-GINER, Lorena, ROJO-SIMENTAL, Erick Octavio and BATISTA-VEGA, Ma. del Socorro
Universidad Tecnológica de Ciudad Juárez, México.