Schools of economic thought and Methology

Volume 7 Issue 12

An opportunity to develop the skills of the students, "Marketing in Action" a collective meeting place ARCE-CORREA, Francisco Javier Enrique, DE LA CERDA-DENEGRI, Celeste Elizabeth, SÁNCHEZ-BUSTAMANTE, Jesús Sergio and JIMÉNEZ-SALGADO, Adalberta
Universidad Tecnológica Cadereyta

High-performance teams in the institute of education the state of Guanajuato, México RIVERA-CISNEROS, Miguel Angel & PÉREZ-FLORES, Angélica Josefina
Universidad Tecnológico de León

Analysis of Financial Education in university students from a university in Southern Sonora MONTAÑO-LÓPEZ, Clara Guadalupe, MURILLO-FÉLIX, Cecilia Aurora, ACOSTA-MELLADO, Erika Ivett and CORRAL-GALVÁN, Alberto
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora

Technology transfer through the development of a system for teacher evaluation SANTOYO-MEDINA, Alejandro, RODRÍGUEZ-CAMPOS, Juan Carlos, RICO-CHAGOLLÁN, Mariana and VIDAL-ORTIZ, Gabriela