General Economics

Volume 2 Issue 2

The standardization of the processes of the Hotel Industry RAMOS-ESTRADA, Ceclia, MORALES, Betzabeth Dafne and VICENTE-LÓPEZ, Evgueni Tadeo

Theoretical review of the impact of Lean Manufacturing on Organizational Performance CASTILLO-FLORES, Ángela Liliana, ESTRADA-CASTILLO, Francisco Javier, FERNÁNDEZ-GARCÍA, Luis Guillermo

Proportionally deductible by the employer payments which in turn are exempt income in Mexico HERNANDEZ-SANDOVAL, Rosa Hilda, NAHUAT-ARREGUIN, Juan Jesus, SUAREZ-RODRIGUEZ, Glenda Lilia and TORRES-HERNANDEZ, Eric Arturo

Design the method for the implementation of the administrative process: Adaptation of the planning stage for administrative contribute to economic development of msmes in Puebla Mixtec region MERINO-VIAZCÁN, Janet, GUERRERO-MARTÍNEZ, Adulfa, SOLANO-PALAPA, Nathaly and ORTÍZ-RAMÍREZ, Carlos Artemio
