Labor and Demographic Economics

Volume 5 Issue 9

Analysis of innovation in the MIPYMES of León, Guanajuato, Mexico, during and post-covid-19 SERRANO-TORRES, Ma. Guadalupe, QUEZADA-FLORES, Ma. De la Luz, MARTINEZBECERRA, Abel Manuel and ZAMBRANO-VALDIVIEZO, Oscar Javier

Tool for the Generation of Schedules using Genetic Algorithms ARANDA-BENITEZ, VILLAVICENCIO-GOMEZ, SALGADO-SALGADO & DE LA ROCACHIAPAS

Expert system for the diagnosis of toxicological emergencies MASCADA, Sandra, LARA-ACONO, Noemí, VILLAVICENCIO-GOMEZ, Laura and ARANDA-BENITEZ, Boris

Opening doors to the future. Technology and gender equity in learning GONZÁLEZ-JAIMES, Elvira & PINEDA-MUÑOZ, Javier >