Labor and Demographic Economics

Volume 2 Issue 2

Influence of gender in the choice of professional career among university students CABRERA-IGNACIO, Elisa, CUPUL-ROSADO, Carlos Alberto and CRUZ-DIAZ, Olga Libia

Market aspects that affect the closing of the micro and small business in Mérida SÁNCHEZ-PACHO, Jóse Enrique, NEGRÓN-HOH, José Jesús Hernán and GÓMEZ-GALAZ, Karla Gabriela

Measurement of sex discrimination among teachers of the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana ZAPATA-AGUILAR, José Apolinar, MOO-NOVELO, Carlos Antonio and MARTÍNEZ MORALES, Javier

Alternatives of production and economic development for the small productive units of the first valley of the Selva region of the Municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas AGUILAR-FLORES, Miguel Ángel, LOPEZ-OCAÑA, José Elías and DOMÍNGUEZ-MUÑOZ, Mario Alberto