Volume 8 Issue 14
Pathway at (re) discusse intergovernmental fiscal agreements in the argentine republic
Rezzoagli, Luciano C. & Bazza, Alcides
Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del Litoral
Importance of internal control to comply with the regulations of the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Resources of Illicit Origin (LFPIORPI)
Aguilar-Pérez, Bacilisa, Romero-Cruz, Rodolfo, Aguilar-Pérez, Silvia Madai and Aguilar-Pérez, Nohemi
Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus San Martín Texmelucan
Impact of the reforms to the federal labour law on academic workers in Mexico's public universities
Guzmán-Cabrera Rafael, Maravert-Alba Myrna Iselda and Ortiz-Gil, Miguel Ángel
Universidad de Guanajuato
Universidad Veracruzana
Negotiation as an alternative conflict resolution in mexican cooperatives
Domínguez-Sánchez, Lorena & Ramírez-Herrera, Dania
Instituto Politécnico Nacional - Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería y Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas
Decline of hammock weaving in the municipality of Dzitbalché, Campeche, Mexico
Caamal-Chan, Eduardo Miguel, Barroso-Tanoira, Francisco Gerardo and López-Ponce, María Eugenia
Tecnológico Nacional de México – ITS Campus Calkiní
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
The handicraft sector and the factors that affect its detriment, from the perception of the shoe artisan in the municipality of Hunucmá, Yucatán
Santos-Valencia, Raúl Alberto, Bacab-Sanchez, José Rubén, Ceballos-Hernández, Fabián Russell and Cobá-Cervantes, Jorge Javier
Tecnológico Nacional de México - Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida