Health Education and Welfare

Volume 8 Issue 15

Emotions perceived by Mayan women during the perinatal period Rodríguez-Angulo, Elsa María, Erosa-Arcique, Paulina, Cambranes-Puc, Luis Humberto and Ojeda- Rodríguez, Ricardo
Autonomous University of Yucatán

Analysis of the productivity of services in the mental health area of a high specialty Hospital in the State of Tabasco, for a proposal for improvement García-Jerónimo, Irma, Meneses-Hernández, José Luis, García-Jerónimo, Beatriz and Notario-Priego, Roger
Tecnológico Nacional de México-Instituto Tecnológico de Villahermosa

Strategies to analyze technical efficiency in medical care for patients with a traffic accident involving an uninsured or unidentified vehicle in Colombia, 2018-2022 Ruiz, Myriam, López, Guerly and Ortiz-Gil, Miguel Ángel
Universidad de Guanajuato, Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana

The shortage of medicines as a violation of the human right to health Martínez-Lares, Marco Antonio
University of Guadalajara