Macroeconomics and Monetary economy

Volume 3 Issue 4

Quality improvement: reduction of defective parts in the stamping department of an automotive company GONZALEZ-VALENZUELA, Elizabeth, FORNÉS-RIVERA, René Daniel, CANO-CARRASCO, Adolfo and ESCALANTE-CELAYA, América Guadalupe

Analysis of the innovative potential of micro and small businesses in Mexico and Colombia SERRANO-TORRES, Ma. Guadalupe, QUEZADA-FLORES, Ma. De la Luz, ZAMBRANO-VALDIVIESO, Óscar Javier and GONZALEZ-GALLARDO, Sofía del Carmen

Analysis of the productivity of the distribution process of the company DICONSA in Villahermosa Tabasco, for the generation of a proposal for improvement MARTÍNEZ-GUTIÉRREZ, Ana Cecilia, LOPEZ-VALDIVIESO, Leticia, TORRES-TORRES, Adán and ELISEO-DANTÉS, Hortensia

Financing in strategic areas for the competitiveness of commercial companies AGUILAR-PÉREZ, Esmeralda, PÉREZ-MEJÍA, Salvador and IRIGOYEN-ARROYO, Luis Ernesto