
Volume 2 Issue 2

Scenario of the competitiveness of MSMEs in Cuetzalan del progreso Puebla BIVIANO-PÉREZ, Emma & SOSA-LARRAINZAR, Evelyn

Teaching materials using ICT for the Know-How of SMEs´ acquisition: A new model ROLDÁN-OROPEZA, Norma Angélica, LIZARDI-ROJO, Verónica and BOLAÑOS-ORTEGA Rosalba

Financial Analysis of a Poultry Production Microenterprise PÉREZ-ROSAS, Leonardo, MIRANDA-REYES, Susana, MARTÍNEZ-REYES, Silvestre, GUERRERO-MARTÍNEZ, Adulfa

Evaluation of the quality in the service of tourist products in the magical towns of Yucatan ROBLEDA-SÁNCHEZ, María Guadalupe, PEREZ-CONDE, Enrique and CENTURION-CANTO, Erick