Urban-Rural and Regional economy

Volume 3 Issue 5

Management of strategies and technologies in profile training and entrepreneurship culture, development for regional VALDEZ-GUERRERO, Raquel. ROBLES-ARIAS, Isela Margarita2 and RÍOSCALDERÓN, Graciela Guadalupe

Phenology and nurse plant of Sotoa confusa (Garay) Salazar (Orchidaceae) in the Southern Potosino Zacatecano Highlands MUÑOZ-URIAS, Alejandro, URIBE-MÚ, Claudia Aurora, HUERTA-MARTINEZ, Francisco Martín and NERI-LUNA, Cecilia

Physical Characterization-Chemistry of Essential Oil of Oregano in 6 Communities of the Municipality of Rodeo, Dgo. MARÍN-TINOCO R. I., SILVA-MARRUFO. O and GONZALES-GÜERECA M. C.

Proposal of MSMEs to alleviate poverty in the community of Tres Palos, municipality of Acapulco, Guerrero CORTÉS, Elisa, MATA, Eloy, LÓPEZ, Maricela and HERNÁNDEZ, Leonel