Labor and Demographic Economics

Volume 2 Issue 3

Methodology for the distribution of productive spaces for SMEs BLEN, Erick & MONTERO, Elizabeth

Moral dispositions in supply chain managers. A review from your career paths GUERRERO-AZPEITIA, Luis Arturo

Identification of Risk Factors from the Ergonomic perspective for the preservation of Occupational Health MUÑOZ-HERNANDEZ, Raquel & RANGEL-LARA, Saúl

Implementation of alternative solutions to reduce staff rotation levels in Potzoliza "La casa del Pozole" in Pachuca, Hgo SANTILLÁN-MARTÍNEZ, Zaira Ingrid, GONZÁLEZ-MOSQUEDA, Mayra Lorena, MEDINA-GÓMEZ, Margarita and IBARRA-HUESCA, Ma. Guadalupe