Economic History

Volume 5 Issue 9

Análisis de datos utilizando web scraping para repertorio otomí educativo en dispositivos móviles android LOPEZ-GONZALES, Erika, ALEJO, Roberto, ANTONIO-VELAZQUEZ, J and AMBRIZ-POLO, J.

A new paradigm of sustainable campus, from the development and implementation of a socio-environmental management system, for the awareness and conservation of the natural environment at the U.M.R.P.S.F.X.Ch. in the management of 2011 POVEDA, Pablo, CUELLAR, Kelly and CUIZA, Paola

The discourse of gender as a shaper of an identity system of the social worker SERRANO-GUERRA, Luis Antonio, LÓPEZ-ROCHA, María and REYNOSO-LUNA, María Gabriela

Science for everyone? CASTAÑEDA, Rafael, RODRÍGUEZ, Perla, SALAZAR, Rodrigo and PÉREZ, Alfredo